Inspiration for Life - Benefits of Knowing God

Inspiration for Life - Benefits of Knowing God

God has given many benefits to those who receive salvation.  Jesus extends salvation to every person and every generation.  The Lord forgives all our sins and remembers them no more. He redeems us from death and gives us eternal life.  He heals all our diseases and restores our youth.  We don’t get the punishment for our sins that we deserve.  God is merciful and His amazing love and kindness encircles us like a shield.  God brings justice to all who are treated unfairly, and grace is extended to us.  He reveals Himself to us through the Spirit.  God is faithful to keep His covenant and bless His children.  The Lord is sovereign over all men and Ruler of all nations.  Give the Lord the glory and praise due His holy Name!  Thank Him daily for every benefit of knowing Him.  Read Psalm 103 and discover the benefits of knowing God.  Matthew 5:1-12 shows us the blessings of those who have been forgiven and redeemed.  The Kingdom of Heaven is given to them.  What an astounding inheritance we have in the Lord.  Simply ask Jesus to forgive your sins and to come into your heart and be the Lord of your life.  Receive eternal life and experience the benefits of knowing God. Read the whole article here

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